Rajkumar Vaghashiya
Rajkumar Vaghashiya
Smart, Portable, and Cost-effective ELISA Reader
A microplate well segmentation pipeline for real-time colorimetric analysis of microplate wells.
Rajkumar Vaghashiya
Dr. Abhijit Roy (Assistant Professor, IISc)
Dr. Mohendra Roy (Assistant Professor, PDPU)
Smart, Portable, and Cost-effective ELISA Reader
Project Goals Cost-effective and portable ELISA reader with AI-aided diagnosis for adaptive calibration Image processing based qualitative and quantitative real-time analysis for improved sensitivity and specificity Current Progress Completed precise micro-plate well localization Well localization utilizes bit plane slicing, masking and contouring, and shape appropriation Extracts basic color information, measuring light intensity in RBG colorspace, for each well Provides normalized measure of intenstity Note Uses standard well-reference: A-H for rows, 1 to 12 for columns ‘00’ for base/reference well Sample: Segmented Microplate-wells (Pic shows a zoomed section of the microplate) Sample: Segmented Microplate-wells (Pic shows a zoomed section of the microplate) Locations of Segmented Wells Locations of Segmented Wells A cropped Well filled with a solution A cropped empty Well Well boundary colored has been colored for reference in the above figures.
Rajkumar Vaghashiya
Dr. Abhijit Roy (Assistant Professor, IISc)
Dr. Mohendra Roy (Assistant Professor, PDPU)
Sep 1, 2020
1 min read
Intelligent Digital Inline Holographic Micrograph (DIHM) Cell-Enhancement and Characterization
Intelligent Digital Inline Holographic Micrograph (DIHM) Cell-Enhancement and Characterization Project Intro Developing a novel and efficient neural model for detecting and classifying cells such as RBC, WBC, and cancer cells, etc.
Rajkumar Vaghashiya
Dr. Mohendra Roy [(Assistant Professor, PDPU)](https://sites.google.com/view/mohendraroylab/home)
Aug 1, 2019
2 min read
Secure & Smart University
Project Goals IoT project to simulate a smart university for resource usage optimization, funded by ORSP-PDPU. Annual financial grant of ₹ 1,45,000 sanctioned by the university for the project development Prototype modules installed in Computer Lab: Light Control, Lab Temperature Control, Authorized Personnel Access.
Rajkumar Vaghashiya
Dr. Nishant Doshi (Assistant Professor, PDPU)
Last updated on Nov 1, 2017
3 min read
Secure and Smart University
IoT project to simulate a smart university for resource usage optimization with prototype deployed modules installed in Computer Lab.
Rajkumar Vaghashiya
Dr. Nishant Doshi (Assistant Professor, PDPU)
Intelligent Digital Inline Holographic Micrograph (DIHM) Cell-Enhancement and Characterization
Cell-line segmentation from DIH micrograph. Signal enhancement using CNN-based Autoencoder. Cell-line characterization using CNNs. Easy accommodation of newer cell-lines using transfer learning.
Rajkumar Vaghashiya
Dr. Mohendra Roy (Assistant Professor, PDPU)